Jackpot Probability |
Variable Mode System | None |
Shortened Time System | After a big win, 5 or 40 rounds; during 'Yu Time': after RAM reset or big win, 299 low-probability spins trigger 370 spins of extra time + 4 reserved balls. |
Average Continuation Count | 5.4times |
Prize Ball Count | 1&3&5&7 |
Jackpot Payout | 240~700units |
Round | 4or10 |
Count | 10 |
Remarks | *Probability of matching symbols during Right-handed Play: approximately 1/19.1 (combined Jackpot and Small Hit, limited to special figure 2) *"Awakening HYPER" activation rate: approximately 38% (including Yu Time, the activation rate is about 42%) *Activation rate is the sum of time-limited 5 spins continuation rate: about 23.6%, and remaining 4 reserves continuation rate: about 19.4%, limited to special figure 2 *"Awakening HYPER" continuation rate: approximately 91% *Continuation rate is the sum of time-limited 40 spins continuation rate: about 88.4%, and remaining 4 reserves continuation rate: about 19.4%, limited to special figure 2 *Payout refers to the number of balls paid out *Jackpot is limited to V-entry. If you do not follow the instructions on the LCD screen, you may not be able to play with the original performance |
Delivery Date | 2023/05/14 |
Type | Rounds | Distribution | Ball Payout |
Special Figure 1 | 4R | 100% | 280 balls |
Special Figure 2 | 10R | About 10% | 700 balls |
4R | About 90% | 240 balls |
※The information provided is based on our own research.